Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wicked Problem Project (Final) Cell Phones as Learning Tools

My Wicked Problem Project  is about the presence of cell/mobile phones in the classroom that students were recently allowed to carry. The cell phones  have become more of a nuisance then when they were prohibited. As stated in a previous blog, since students are allowed to openly have them (as long as they are turned off) they constantly fiddle with them, which resulted in me constantly confiscating them. That process, had become more than a distraction than the student fussing with them. I soon realized that this was a battle I was not going to win. That was my problem. So I decided to do something. But what?  I need to allow phones in class. But for another purpose. How can I use this technology for good instead of evil?   I found that there were techniques and teaching strategies associated with apps and websites that students and teachers can use in the classroom. I looked to the TPACK framework and found that I could use cell phones as a learning/teaching tool  if the technology (cell phones in this case) is incorporated across different content, using different forms of technology, and on a regular basis. The following video explains this in more detail.

Solution, turn cell/mobile phones from classroom distractions into learning/teaching devices by implementing the basic cell/mobile phone functions into learning/teaching tools or resources and if students have smart phones, I can implement mobile learning apps that will take learning to the next level. Teachers can poll students, quiz students, or open a brainstorming forum and get instant feedback from students right from their cell phones. Students can record lectures, take pictures, become organized, and "tweet" right from their phones as well. These are just some examples of implementing this technology in the classroom. 

Now my problem was, how can I implement these strategies and techniques without having a classroom of students? (I am currently laid off). How can I find out what works and what doesn't.  I decided to gather a group "focus group." I asked them questions about cell phone use. I asked if they had phones? What did they mainly use their phone for? Do they use their phones in class? What for? Some of their answers surprised me. I learned that, bottom line, not all students have phone. There are more phone-less students than I thought. And that students would stay off their phones in class if the class was more interesting. But most importantly, I need to create a culture of cell phone responsibility and morality. They assure me it can be done. How? I asked. "Just be good to us (students) and we'll be good to you. We'll follow all your rules as long we know you got our back." That simple. And it makes sense. The Golden Rule.

So, that is where I conclude for now. I will definitely implement cell phone use in my classroom when I return to teaching. Until then, I will create a list of norms and procedures for cell phone use. I will determine when I will use this technology and for what lessons. And since not all students have phones, I will pair students with someone who does (or put them in groups) and have students discuss and decide their answers/suggestions as a group before inputting their response. I feel students will embrace these practices.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Professional Learning Plan

Preceding is a reflection of my Certificate in Educational Technology course work at Michigan State University as well as my goals for the future in technology. Following is an explanation of the above image as well as a description of my Professional Learning Plan for the future.

The above image is a visual description of what my professional life has been since September 2012 when I began CEP 810, through CEP 811, and up until now as I complete CEP 812. In September I created a list of goals and desires with technology (click here for a better view of that document) that included everything from increasing technology skills to making a difference in education any my community with technology. Following are some initial specific goals I had and upon completion of this course, I can do all of those.
I have created a webpage (actually a few) with videos that I too created, edited and uploaded and I blog very frequently. I've become computer literate and cleaned out viruses and increased performances on my computers at home. So, mission accomplished! I have even began doing things I had not anticipated nor desired but am grateful that I am, like social networking. I "tweet" or read "tweets" several times a day, and have benefited tremendously from the information that I have received and continue to  receive   I have collaborated with others: creating projects and documents and meeting with them on a regular basis while never leaving my home. I have learned about TPACK and integrating it into my pedagogy. However there are some bigger goals that remain a work in progress. Which leads to my Professional Learning Plan.

Even though I feel confident with my Professional goals listed above on the chalk board I still feel that many are "long shots." Although I have learned about TPACK, I have not had the opportunity to implement it. I need to be model  for TPACK so that I can get my staff on board. Therefore,  I need to connect more with this theory. I will take what I have learned; small video production, blogs and podcasts, Google Doc and Google+, data visualizations, just to name a few, and incorporate it into my classroom this fall. I will spend the summer developing lessons, WebQuests, StAIRs, videos, etc... so that I may begin a model of TPACK. I hope to be admitted into the Masters program at MSU and continue my journey in educational technology.  Because I now have valuable access to trustworthy websites, and people I will continue to network socially and keep my WikiSpace updated with those resources. I will also fulfill some of my personal goals (see index card above) by continuing to keep technology on the forefront of my life (behind God and my family of course!) I will teach my freshman son, Cruz how to blog, produce videos, and turn his phone into a learning tool. He will also be my "guinea pig" on many activities. 

It is important to me that the students in my community "play on a leveled field" that equips them with 21st century skills so that they must be successful students and later, productive adults (see small video in bottom right corner above). That means teachers must provide technology-rich opportunities for them in the classroom. For that to result, I must be an ambassador of technology and aid them in doing so. Because my district is also the district that I am a product of, have family in, and live in, this is not just important to me professionally but its also personally important to me.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Group Leadership Project: iPads in the Classroom

Brian Walker, Kyle Heffelbower and I, Angelica, decided that since we all have interest in using mobile devices in our classroom we would focus our project on iPads and Apps use. We put together a video that explains why this technology is so effective and beneficial to student learning. We also shared a few applications worth knowing. And we concluded with a list of useful resources to aid and support the viewer who may seek more information. 


We used Google Presentation, Camtasia and YouTube to produce our own video segments. Google Presentation allowed us to collaborate and input our information on a format that could be viewed, revised, and shared with each other. We decided the role each of us would take when creating our video and then independently began that process.  I put our Google Presentation in view mode and with Camtasia and a microphone began to record my portion of the Presentation as did each group member. We then uploaded our individual videos to YouTube where Brian strung all the videos together and created a playlist. The playlist (that you see here) is a compilation of seven videos averaging between one to three minutes each. The entire playlist is almost thirteen minutes long. An interesting note, is that our original video was nearly twenty minutes long!  A tremendous amount of editing was necessary to complete our project. Many decisions had to be made regarding what to keep and what to omit. After some discussion we came to an agreement and the results were satisfying.

So as a result, I not only learned how to apply the use of iPads in the classroom as well as learn of the latest developments in educational apps in the classroom, I also learned to produce a video, which I had never done prior to CEP 812.  I also learned how to use recording software and decide which suited my needs best. I became informed on the options available and how to utilize them. I learned more about Google Docs and YouTube and the services they offer. But I ultimately learned how to collaborate virtually with a group.

If I had to develop another product like this, the only thing I may do differently is to include the length expectation in our initial plans. It's not that we didn't do that. We definitely did. We just did not realize that we did until we recorded our segments. In the future, I would just create a more specific plan to meet our time requirement. This would eliminate the need for excessive editing later.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mobile Learning

In this blog I am going to discuss mobile learning and my experience using  Poll Everywhere and other tools and my participation in the Classroom 20.com group discussion about cell phone use in education. I am also going to discuss the ways I may integrate the use of mobile technology in my own classroom and the challenges and inspirations I foresee.

To begin, I am advocate of cell phone use AS AN LEARNING/TEACHING AID in the classroom. Once I purchased an iPhone and learned of all its capabilities I was on board. I initially thought smart phones were overrated. I recently discovered that its quite the contrary and smart phones in fact are very UNDERRATED especially among many educators. I knew of some things I could do with my own iPhone in the classroom. I was familiar with quite a few learning apps. But after this CEP 812 Mobile Learning Lab I found that my iPhone is basically a pocket-sized computer.
I began by learning about Poll Everywhere. Poll Everywhere can be useful to the classroom and teacher in that it provides instant feedback. I would use this technology as formative assessment, to brainstorm, or to take a survey. I can see my students embrace this concept. Furthermore, students do not need to have a smart phone to participate in the poll. Above is an example of what Poll Everywhere looks like.

I also joined a conversation in Classroom 20 about cell phone/mobile devices used in the classroom. See my comment on the left. I wasn't surprised to find that many educators share my view. Yet there were many that did not and they brought up a good point. Regulation. Sometimes it can be too much for the teacher to have to regulate. We already have a lot on our plate as it is. But I have learned that if a teacher genuinely cares about his/her students and the students know this, the teacher can make that student do anything, even abide by the rules. So it comes down to classroom management and a culture of respect that can be created.

So in conclusion, I do plan on implementing cell phone use in the classroom. In the fall I hope to have a system set up with regulations where students will not abuse this practice. I have every intention to implement Poll Everywhere. I may face challenges like students using their phones to socialize, but hey, I already face that and it's actually getting better. I hope to get staff on board.

Friday, November 30, 2012

WPP Part D-Findings and Implications

Today's blog will reflect findings and implications on The Wicked Problem Project for CEP 812. My Wicked Problem Project continues to be a work in progress. I am finding that I am continuing to alter, revise, and redesign my presentation. However, in its present state, current findings and implications in the following will be addressed:
  • Formative
  • Summative
  • Approaching another project given what I learned
  • Lessons learned that others might benefit from
  • Endeavor to do the same project again with possible changes
Did the project get implemented as planned? 
My initial target audience were my colleagues. However, because I currently have no colleagues (I have been laid off since June), I simply shifted my audience to be  fellow educators who teach at the secondary or high school and adult education levels who can benefit from my findings and implement those findings in their own educational settings. My project has not been implemented within my own classroom yet. I do not expect to implement it until I return to work but I do intend to share my research with colleagues whom I still keep in touch with. So, even though my presentation is for a viewing audience of my peers the pedagogy practices within the presentation are to be performed in the classroom with students.

Evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice. 
Again, I have no first-hand evidence of success since I am currently not in the classroom. But based on the ideas I have found regarding cell/mobile phone use in an educational setting, I think I can undoubtedly say that with good classroom management any teacher can find good use of these devices. Of the numerous blogs and articles I've read as well as my own judgement on tutorials and videos I've seen, educators who include cell/mobile phone technology in their pedagogy rave about the results and effects on learning. In one article at TeachHub.com, Meg Ormiston calls cell/mobile phones "mini computers" that "extend the walls of learning."

How would you approach another project like this differently given what you've learned here? 
Given what I have learned here, I would include media where I am actually modeling my pedagogy in a real classroom setting. I have always considered myself an open book. I would like to extend the outside view of my life into my classroom. I like to practice what I preach. Therefore I would not present anything to anyone or expect them to do something if I did  not find it truly possible. I teach at a failing school. If I can make things happen there then I feel there is no excuse for other educators to make things happen in their own classrooms. I hope to inspire them.
Another thing I did not include in this project that I would if I were to approach another project like this is to survey others. I would like to survey both educators and students. I would like to bounce ideas onto educators and get feedback or other ideas from them; Do they feel cell/mobile phones are the culprit? Or do they already use cell/mobile phones as a teaching/learning tool? If not, then why not? They may enlighten me on issues or ideas I had not thought of. I would like to know from students what exactly I have to work with; how many of them have cell/mobile phones? Do they have data plans? Can they install apps?
Thirdly, I would like to discover a way I may include parents in our learning. Of everything I found in my research, nothing included parents or guardians. I find that ironic since parents are usually the ones who flip the bill.
Lastly, I would approach another project like this with a more narrow focus. My topic was too broad; there was too much to cover and I did not get as intimate with any specific aspect like I had wanted to. I got hung up with not wanting to leave anything out.

What are the lessons learned that others might benefit from knowing about?
Have a specific end goal. If you are too general, you will reach a point of information overload. There will be so many great ideas you'll want to include them all. But that will be too time consuming and deciphering which ideas are worthy of being included in your presentation can also be mind strenuating.

In what ways will you endeavor to do the same project again, and what will you change or not do?
I may not do this project again, however I will improve upon this one. I would like to share my findings regarding the use of cell/mobile phones in the classroom with my colleagues when I return to work. This is something I would like to address in a staff or professional development meeting. I have included above what I may change with this project but in addition to that, once I receive input from my CEP812 peers I will better know what I will need to include, exclude. or just "tweak."

Saturday, November 24, 2012

WPP Part C-Implementation& Record/Edit Lab

Progress on the Wicked Problem Project continues. I am currently at the point of deciphering what information I want to include in the presentation. With the abundance of information I have discovered it has become such a challenging task. Nevertheless, the entire WPP was in itself a learning experience. Please click here  to listen to the progress I have been making on my Wicked Problem Project as well surprises I have encountered, bumps in the road and pleasant delights. Enjoy.

Data Visualization

After exploring seiveral tools from Karl Gude's Wiki Data Visualization page I was pleasantly surprised to discover numerous visual (and audio) tools that are free and very easy to use. As I was exploring various tools, I was paying close attention to usability. I hope to implement some of these tools into my classroom for students to use. I "tinkered" with so many of them and I was fortunate to discover that of the ones I delved deeper into, I found them to be student friendly and very easy to use.

I tried AudioBoo. AudioBoo is a mobile and web platform that allows you to record and share audio. I found that not only is it free and easy to use, but it was also usable via cell phone which is a tool that most high school students possess. It is available for iPhone and Android phones. Because I hope to encourage students to record pod-casts as an assignment, I am happy to have found a tool that brings students closer to doing this task. I also tried Glogster. Glogster is an amazing tool that offers users the ability to create virtual collages. Users are able to incorporate images, video and animation as well as be creative with numerous layout options. Glogster virtual collages can also be interactive. Glogster is free for educators and up to ten students. More than ten student require a fee. Another tool I used from Gude's Wiki page was Strip Generator. Strip Generator is a free site that requires no registration where users can create comic strips. It is extremely easy to use and offers a variety of pre-made characters, props, etc... So there are some limits to its use. However its user-friendliness compensates for much of that. I envision students summarizing a scene from a piece of literature we have read in my English class or creating dialogue in Spanish for various units in my Spanish class. Depending on the goal or objective, these comic strips can be made in very little time. The following cartoon is one I created in about fifteen minutes, where I poke fun at my very long Mexican name on the first day of school.
This visualization is actually a true one. I am representing the first day of school when I share my very long ethnic name to my students. In the end they all end up calling me "Mrs. G".

I overall realized that there are so many tools available for educators to teach with; deliver content. And so many of the same tools for students to express learned content.  That has to be my "ah-ha" moment; students and educators using the same tools for different purposes.