- Formative
- Summative
- Approaching another project given what I learned
- Lessons learned that others might benefit from
- Endeavor to do the same project again with possible changes
Did the project get implemented as planned?
My initial target audience were my colleagues. However, because I currently have no colleagues (I have been laid off since June), I simply shifted my audience to be fellow educators who teach at the secondary or high school and adult education levels who can benefit from my findings and implement those findings in their own educational settings. My project has not been implemented within my own classroom yet. I do not expect to implement it until I return to work but I do intend to share my research with colleagues whom I still keep in touch with. So, even though my presentation is for a viewing audience of my peers the pedagogy practices within the presentation are to be performed in the classroom with students.
My initial target audience were my colleagues. However, because I currently have no colleagues (I have been laid off since June), I simply shifted my audience to be fellow educators who teach at the secondary or high school and adult education levels who can benefit from my findings and implement those findings in their own educational settings. My project has not been implemented within my own classroom yet. I do not expect to implement it until I return to work but I do intend to share my research with colleagues whom I still keep in touch with. So, even though my presentation is for a viewing audience of my peers the pedagogy practices within the presentation are to be performed in the classroom with students.
Evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice.
Again, I have no first-hand evidence of success since I am currently not in the classroom. But based on the ideas I have found regarding cell/mobile phone use in an educational setting, I think I can undoubtedly say that with good classroom management any teacher can find good use of these devices. Of the numerous blogs and articles I've read as well as my own judgement on tutorials and videos I've seen, educators who include cell/mobile phone technology in their pedagogy rave about the results and effects on learning. In one article at TeachHub.com, Meg Ormiston calls cell/mobile phones "mini computers" that "extend the walls of learning."
How would you approach another project like this differently given what you've learned here?
Given what I have learned here, I would include media where I am actually modeling my pedagogy in a real classroom setting. I have always considered myself an open book. I would like to extend the outside view of my life into my classroom. I like to practice what I preach. Therefore I would not present anything to anyone or expect them to do something if I did not find it truly possible. I teach at a failing school. If I can make things happen there then I feel there is no excuse for other educators to make things happen in their own classrooms. I hope to inspire them.
Another thing I did not include in this project that I would if I were to approach another project like this is to survey others. I would like to survey both educators and students. I would like to bounce ideas onto educators and get feedback or other ideas from them; Do they feel cell/mobile phones are the culprit? Or do they already use cell/mobile phones as a teaching/learning tool? If not, then why not? They may enlighten me on issues or ideas I had not thought of. I would like to know from students what exactly I have to work with; how many of them have cell/mobile phones? Do they have data plans? Can they install apps?
Thirdly, I would like to discover a way I may include parents in our learning. Of everything I found in my research, nothing included parents or guardians. I find that ironic since parents are usually the ones who flip the bill.
Lastly, I would approach another project like this with a more narrow focus. My topic was too broad; there was too much to cover and I did not get as intimate with any specific aspect like I had wanted to. I got hung up with not wanting to leave anything out.
What are the lessons learned that others might benefit from knowing about?
Have a specific end goal. If you are too general, you will reach a point of information overload. There will be so many great ideas you'll want to include them all. But that will be too time consuming and deciphering which ideas are worthy of being included in your presentation can also be mind strenuating.
In what ways will you endeavor to do the same project again, and what will you change or not do?
I may not do this project again, however I will improve upon this one. I would like to share my findings regarding the use of cell/mobile phones in the classroom with my colleagues when I return to work. This is something I would like to address in a staff or professional development meeting. I have included above what I may change with this project but in addition to that, once I receive input from my CEP812 peers I will better know what I will need to include, exclude. or just "tweak."