Monday, December 3, 2012

Mobile Learning

In this blog I am going to discuss mobile learning and my experience using  Poll Everywhere and other tools and my participation in the Classroom group discussion about cell phone use in education. I am also going to discuss the ways I may integrate the use of mobile technology in my own classroom and the challenges and inspirations I foresee.

To begin, I am advocate of cell phone use AS AN LEARNING/TEACHING AID in the classroom. Once I purchased an iPhone and learned of all its capabilities I was on board. I initially thought smart phones were overrated. I recently discovered that its quite the contrary and smart phones in fact are very UNDERRATED especially among many educators. I knew of some things I could do with my own iPhone in the classroom. I was familiar with quite a few learning apps. But after this CEP 812 Mobile Learning Lab I found that my iPhone is basically a pocket-sized computer.
I began by learning about Poll Everywhere. Poll Everywhere can be useful to the classroom and teacher in that it provides instant feedback. I would use this technology as formative assessment, to brainstorm, or to take a survey. I can see my students embrace this concept. Furthermore, students do not need to have a smart phone to participate in the poll. Above is an example of what Poll Everywhere looks like.

I also joined a conversation in Classroom 20 about cell phone/mobile devices used in the classroom. See my comment on the left. I wasn't surprised to find that many educators share my view. Yet there were many that did not and they brought up a good point. Regulation. Sometimes it can be too much for the teacher to have to regulate. We already have a lot on our plate as it is. But I have learned that if a teacher genuinely cares about his/her students and the students know this, the teacher can make that student do anything, even abide by the rules. So it comes down to classroom management and a culture of respect that can be created.

So in conclusion, I do plan on implementing cell phone use in the classroom. In the fall I hope to have a system set up with regulations where students will not abuse this practice. I have every intention to implement Poll Everywhere. I may face challenges like students using their phones to socialize, but hey, I already face that and it's actually getting better. I hope to get staff on board.

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